yuri / Can anyone please start speaking English in here, goddammit?...

Can anyone please start speaking English in here, goddammit?

It’s so depressing not to understand a damn of this site haha
Please, people, think about those poor ones that do not speak Lithuania (yet) haha

Hey there everybody, here an Italian, new on this site and in this place.
I registered just because in this country homo7bisexual people hide really too much (even if I recognise you all, when I meet you down the streets haha) and Internet seems the only way to have a contact with LGBT people, others than those ones that attend LGL events.
Then -what I wanted to say: I am open to every kind of socialization, so if someone has nothing to do and is interested in having maybe some chat or whatever, here I am.
Publicēja: yuri
Datums: 18.09.2015. - 21:06:24
Lasīts (reizes): 7051
Komentāri: 0
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